Research and Development Cell

Research and Development cell of A.V.P. College of Arts and Science was implemented in the year 2021. It is to bring out the innovative skills among the research aspirants of our college faculties. To focus on the Research area in the vast field of education the students and Faculty members are scrutinized and are encouraged to present and publish research articles in their own field of research. To formalize the research curiosity among the teaching fraternity, the faculty members are asked to update their research skills by registering M.Phil and Ph.D programme and they will be given guidance and support if they need.

The faculty members encourage the students to bring out their research and analytical skills. Added supports from the college towards research includes the reimbursement of travel and registration expenses for staff for publishing papers in conferences and workshops, accessibility of leave for faculty members and provide the essential equipment’s and internet facilities for researchers. R&D cell motivates all the young scholars by inviting the experts from different research fields to enhance the knowledge and also it arranges FDPs, workshops to help the researchers.


To put in place a robust mechanism for developing and strengthening the research ecosystem in the college with the innovative policies.


  • To create a conducive environment for enhancement research productivity.
  • To encourage collaboration across industry, government, community-based organizations, and agencies at the local, national and international levels.
  • To facilitate greater access to research through mobilization of resources and funding.

Chair Person:
Dr. V. Kathiresan
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

Dr. L. Mahalakshmi
Associate Professor,
School of Liberal Arts,
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

1. Dr. R. Marisakthi
Assistant Professor,
School of Applied Commerce,
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

2. Dr. D. Tamiselvi
Assistant Professor,
School of Biotechnology,
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

Contact Info

+91 72006 77755

Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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