Anti-Drug Committee

The Anti-Drugs committee of the AVP CAS has been constituted to ensure a drug- free campus by imposing a total ban on the possession or consumption or use of drugs and alcohol by students of the college, within or outside of the campus/hostel. The duty of the Anti-Drug committee contains organizing awareness programs in the college and hostels with the help of government authorized agencies/organizations. Educating the students regarding the ill-effects of drugs and alcohol, encouraging peer policing among students against the use of drugs and reporting of any noticed use of drugs by the students to the students affairs committee are also the duties of the committee.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To create awareness on the ill-effects of Narcotics-Drugs, AVP Institution has taken various measures to prevent the use of drugs/alcohol by the students. The following measures are including:

  • Formation of Anti-Drug Squad of the students’ volunteers at Hostels and the Institute
  • Carrying out regular as well as surprise visits in Hostels and other places of campus.
  • Organizing various awareness programmes to educate the students about the ill effects of the use of drugs and the penalties for violation of the laws.
  • Displaying Anti-Drug posters at prominent places for awareness of the students.
  • Oath taking by the students against the use and possession of drugs/alcohol.
  • Conducting various events like slogan contest, designing logos, rally, mime show, street play, poster making and debate.

Chair Person:
Dr. V. Kathiresan
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

Ms. J. Suganya
Assistant Professor,
School of Liberal Arts,
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

Staff  Member:
1. Ms. R. Nagalakshmi
Assistant Professor,
School of Applied Commerce,
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

2. Ms. V. Indhu
Assistant Professor,
School of Liberal Arts,
A.V.P. College of Arts and Science

Student Members:
1. Ms. C. Sharmila
B. A. English Literature (2021-22 Batch)

2. Ms. M. Kanikka
B. A. English Literature (2022-23 Batch)

Contact Info

+91 72006 77755

Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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